15 research outputs found

    Overview of the International Radar Symposium Best Papers, 2019, Ulm, Germany

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    Új kihívások a hazai légtérellenőrzésben

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    The modern air surveillance systems of the XX I century are complemented by passive radars and its technical characteristics. The expected performance will change and extend the possibilities of traditional radar systems. The Military Force Development Programme, which is known as Zrínyi 2026, provides an opportunity to modernize air surveillance, control and air defense systems. The main challenge is to implement this opportunity timely and cost-effectively to the technical standard. The first part of the article summarizes the new challenges of air surveillance and control, as well as the most important military operational-technical (Statement of Work) requirements of the radars which is considered to be relevant nowadays. It also highlights the main elements of procurement and maintenance, the benefits and challenges of exploiting domestic opportunities. The sequel examines the expectations of an effective system integration at the lower level of air surveillance and control. It analyzes and demonstrates the technical characteristics of an efficient passive radar system

    Short Study on Performances of Air Surveillance Augmented by Twin Radars

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    Detection of targets at low altitudes with low Radar Cross Section (RCS) such as drones and stealth could challenge Air Surveillance systems and this situation must be addressed in a cost-effective way. This paper summarizes the newly emerged technical challenges of the Control and Reporting Centre (CRC) and gives solutions how to overcome recognized shortcomings, highlights problems and requirements related to drones maneuvering capabilities and their very low RCS. This article summarizes challenges and gives a synthesized solution to the network centric approach based on the short distance Gaussian bi-static radar concept called twin radar coherent signal fusion. The idea is to explore advantages of the twin radar concept such as doubled detection range, increased, superior angular resolution of the system and increased plot update frequency. Examples for the twin radar performance demonstration are based on VHF radar, which has unique capabilities such as exploitation of multipath and resonance frequency for drones. A few peculiarities of the new signal processing are introduced with the extended air traffic control and monitoring network structure

    A hiperszonikus fegyverek hatása a légvédelemre és a légtérellenőrzésre

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    ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS: Napjainkban a hiperszonikus fegyverek megjelenése minden nemzet haderejében kiemelt figyelemben részesül, mivel az ellenük történő védelem kiterjesztett célkutatást, útvonalképzést, céltárgy-azonosítást és -megsemmisítést követel meg. Ennek oka, hogy a hiperszonikus fegyverrendszerek nagyon nagy sebességgel, gyorsulással és magassági tartományban (23–60 km) üzemelnek. Ugyanakkor kis radarkeresztmetszettel (RCS) jellemezhetők, amely manőverezés közben jelpolarizáció-ingadozást okoz a VHF-rezonáns frekvenciasávban. Az újonnan megjelent fegyverek képességeihez való alkalmazkodás és a kapcsolódó katonai műveletek tervezése megkövetelik, hogy részletes és naprakész tanulmányok készüljenek az elöregedő, és a korszerű radarhálózatok műszaki lehetőségeinek kiterjesztéséről. A jelenleg működő radarhálózatok infrastruktúrája, meglévő üzemeltetési és környezetvédelmi engedélyei nagyon hasznosak az újonnan megjelenő fenyegetésekkel szembeni fejlesztések szempontjából. A javasolt megközelítés ötvözi és optimalizálja a passzív radar, a modernizált hagyományos radarhálózatok és a napjainkban kifejlesztett rádiólokátorok információ-feldolgozását, miközben kiterjeszti a radarmérések szabadságfokát

    A XXI. századi radarrendszerekkel szemben támasztható elvárások

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    It is essential requirements of a modern air surveillance and air defense systems in the XXI century to expand the ECCM (Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures) performance of the individual radars at the radar systems level, and to introduce more efficient methods for today's solutions. This is necessary as environmental electromagnetic interference/smog has increased considerably in some frequency bands. While, in the case of military devices, it can be reasonably assumed that advance jammers can effectively override the radar's Electronic Protection Measures. The previous sections of this study summarize the new challenges of the airspace control and the opportunities offered by the new "RF Network Centric" radar system, which combines the active- and passive radar system's characteristics. The sequel deals with the technical features of mobile radars as basic components of radar systems, examines the antenna-related ECCM capabilities of the radars and performance, and the “built-in” requirements of the "RF Network based" operation. It summarizes the software radar logistics insurance in the days of exploring the challenges that are still barely perceived

    Advanced Issues of the Radar Conference in Boston, 2019

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    The modernisation of the Hungarian Army and the success of the Zrínyi 2026 Programme basically depend on the understanding and professional lifecycle-support of the latest technologies. Consequently, it is a priority to collect, evaluate and transfer advanced research findings and collected expertise on the concepts related to sensors, including Radars. The software modules define the quality, while the flexibility of the interfaces determine the efficiency of the signal and data processing of the information of different sensor types. The software-based solutions play a key role in the artificial intelligence supported cognitive data processing and the effectiveness of the soldiers or decision-making commanders. This article summarises the most recent results of the radar-related research, taking into account domestic and Eastern European expectations